Sunday, September 25, 2011

DEAL THRILL! "GOSH Duo Fibre Brush"

Introduction: DEAL THRILL will become a reoccurring title for blog posts where I write about great deals! It may be a beauty product, a fashion item, or a service that I got for less or with a discount. This will confirm that beauty and fashion doesn't always have to be expensive. Now on to the first ever Deal Thrill post. . .

I have been searching for an inexpensive good quality stippling brush. I live a plane ride away from Manila which limits my search to local malls. Thus giving me only two options; to buy the stippling brush from Etude House (the only store that sells it that i know of) or purchase one online. I wasn't really pleased with Etude House's stippling brush since I find it a bit flimsy and less dense than what I would expect a stippling brush to be. If I were to purchase online, I would have to pay additional for shipping. . .

Anyway. . .  I got lucky! I was actually roaming around the downtown area of Iloilo City when I stumbled upon a newly opened "divisoria" type store which had two stories and I wish I had taken note of its name. . . At the bottom floor the moment I walked in, I saw shelves full of (fake branded perfumes) and a lot of China brand cosmetics. But in n a little corner just as I was about to leave I spotted my very first Deal Thrill! drum roll please. . . viola!

 I found a stippling brush branded "GOSH". Ok, I know I found it beside cheap makeup and in front of shelves holding fake perfumes, but . . . but. . . It's still a make up brush! I really didn't care whether its branded or not. Actually I tried searching for pictures of original GOSH make up brushes and this brush looks exactly like the real ones online. I believe this one's real! (but I will have to confirm it still) although I could sense it is of good quality and you will be utterly surprised with how ''much'' or rather less I paid for it. It's the cheapest brush that I have bought so far! . . . wait for it. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I know!. . . even until now, I cant believe i got it for this cheap! I even asked the sales assistant and she said It is 45 php (about a dollar) and I know it retails for around 12 to 13 pounds which is roughly at 804+ php at the moment.
If you have a GOSH brush does it have this on it's packaging too?

Here's How the bristles look like:

I have to say that it is quite dense which I actually like. The bristles are 50% synthetic and 50% real hair. 
the bristles looked squished probably because of the packaging

I have not used this baby yet but I'm looking forward to it! hopefully it performs well. I'll be doing a thorough review on this pretty soon.

Remember: never to under estimate cheap looking stores. . . believe me there are hidden treasures inside :) but be safe! lol this isn't the first time I found good makeup brushes for cheap. But I will be talking about those in another blog post. Till then. . . take care and stay happy! 


1 comment:

  1. Hi! I'm also from Iloilo and I'm glad I found your blog! I've been searching for cheap but good quality stippling brushes and I was wondering where exactly did you buy that brush?? Please email me at for your reply!

    THANK YOU SOO MUCH. I almost gave up hope for ever finding such a unique brush :D

    Keep up with the blogs!<3
