So here's a 2 part video of my April-May Haul :) enjoy!
I'm too tired to do an entire post on these items so Ill get back to it as soon as I can :) I've been really busy with our business as of the moment :) but anywho I will do my best to post a few blogs soon :) take care everyone!
The Blogger:

- ER (Ellen Rose S.)
- I love anything pretty! Well. . . I am a simple girl living in a humble city in the Republic of the Philippines. In this blog I will be sharing anything under the sun or moon since Im a night owl by profession haha:) From Beauty stuff to yummy food to little knick nacks. Just anything really that would spark my interest. I am a woman who is confident and happy with what was given to me. I couldn't be luckier. I take pleasure with the simplest things in life. I am not a witter by profession but I find writing therapeutic. I am not a photographer yet I see beauty in every snapshot. I am in no way near a beauty guru, but I know the essence of self worth. Basically this is my blog, my opinions, my story, my perspective in life and everything that surrounds it and I welcome you to join me in my journey. x0x0, ER